
English training

 All the English teachers get together and enjoy English training with the guidance of Teacher Daniel.


Come with us! Let’s go into local English phrase!


Add insult to injury

At the drop of a hat

Back to the drawing board

Barking up the wrong tree

Blessing in disguise

Costs an arm and a leg

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Do you know? Come with us!



Add insult to injury: It means doing something to make a bad situation even worse.

Eg: You don’t want to add insult to injury.

   That’s adding insult to injury.

   Don’t add insult to injury.

At the drop of a hat: It means to do something quickly without hesitating or pausing.

Eg: He could leave his friends at the drop of a hat.

   She did her work at the drop of a hat.

Back to the drawing board: It means when you fail at something a lot of times, you stop trying and think of new ideas to complete the task.

Eg: It’s time to go back to the drawing board.

   I can’t think of how to do this task, let’s go back to the drawing board.

Barking up the wrong tree: It means trying to do something a certain way, using a bad method.

Eg: He is trying to talk to the Chinese man using English, he is barking up the wrong tree.

Blessing in disguise: It means something bad happens, but it turns out to have a positive outcome.

Eg: He lost his job, but it was a blessing disguise because he was able to spend more time with his time.

Costs an arm and a leg: It means something that is very expensive.

Eg: My new piece of jewellery is very expensive, it cost me an arm and a leg.

   Yeah! That costs an arm and a leg.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: It means don’t put all your faith, energy or money it one idea. Have other ideas too.

Eg: He spent all of his money buying a new restaurant but no one came to it. He shouldn’t have put of his eggs in one basket.


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