
Education with the Evolvement of Both Family and School, Attention to Our Children’s Healthy Development-- Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School Hold 2018 Spring Period Parent-Teacher Conference

Education with the Evolvement of Both Family and School, Attention to Our Children’s Healthy Development-- Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School Hold 2018 Spring Period Parent-Teacher Conference


Author: Lin Zhen Date: 03/19/2018

As time goes by, a new semester comes; time is a song, an exuberant spring arrives with it. On the afternoon of March 15th, 2018, Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School hold 2018 spring period parent-teacher conference with more than 2900 parents.

For years, our school attached importance to Education with the Evolvement of Both Family and School and the work to construct the relationship between family and school. So there will be parent-teacher conference every semester to strengthen the communication between them and add more guidance.



This parent-teacher conference was divided into concentrative sharing and class sharing. First, Principal Mao gave a lecture of pay attention to the physical and mental health, children’s healthy development need you through TV live in academic hall to all the parents. She used cases happened around her to deeply analysis the existent physical and mental problems of children, and talk about the reason and their relationship with parents’ accompany. Every parent listened carefully and kept notes, which was also a development of parents.



After the concentrative communication, teachers of 65 classes gave a lecture separately and communicate with parents of their classes. In these communications, every class has planned the topic and form. The low –grade students pay more attention to the reading habit, which is the core problem of Chinese, math and English. The form and content of the high-grade classes are more plentiful, some invited the parents to come to the platform and share the advantages and disadvantages of family education.

Though the parent-teacher conference ended, many parents didn’t want to leave, some parents communicated with teachers or other parents and didn’t leave until 6:00. And we believe our students will grow up happily and healthily with the contribution of families and scool.

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