
Cloud communication: drawing together against COVID-19

When coronavirus is wandering around the world, every country has to close their gate, but Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental School doesn't want to stop the communication with its Thai sister school, the Prince Royal’s College, Chiang Mai. So, cloud communication becomes the connection bridge between our two schools. We share the anti-pandemic measures and achievement through the internet.

In July of 2020 the two sides launched a project: drawing pictures to show the fight against COVID-19. In September, the Sino-Thai project finished successfully, in which the students in both schools drew pictures of their new daily lives and how to prevent an epidemic.

Our students enjoyed the works from Thai students and expressed their own ideas passionately. Thai students’ works brought us plenty of new ideas!



Art knows no boundaries. Painting and graffiti are the most direct way for human beings to express their emotions. In art class, the students watched the Thai paintings which recorded touching scenes during the epidemic with their brushes, expressing their concern about the sudden disaster!

The sharing of the art works makes students in both sides comprehend the meaning of anti-epidemic work in the world. It also inspires the students to respect the staff on the front line and complies with national anti-epidemic requirements. Therefore, the sharing of the paintings let the students learn the other country’s anti-epidemic ways and social life. When humanity faces a common enemy, cooperation and sharing will enable us to defeat the virus!

Under the global epidemic situation, the life in China has gradually returned to normal. However, there are many countries in the world still fighting against the virus, so students can not go back to school. “Cloud Communication" makes our friends close at hand, opening up a convenient way of communication and sharing.



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