
The Idea of "Leda" English in International Understanding Education Exhibition Cultivates the Ability of International Understanding --"Leda Cup" Oral English Competition of Shuangliu Experimental Primary School

Facing the first warm sunshine in 2021, we have opened a new happy

start under the ginkgo tree. On January 4, the "Leda Cup" Oral English com-

petition of Shuangliu Experimental Primary School officially started. This 

activity is based on our school's educational philosophy of "No One Less", reflects

the English culture of "Leda", shows the English teaching idea of "Leda", promotes researching and teaching by competition, focuses on improving students’ interest in English learning, develops students' oral expressing ability, promotes students' cross-cultural communication, and improves students' international understanding accomplishment.


1-2 胡主任

1-3 溫老師

Scene 1: Enjoy Listening

It is well known that language input is the basis of language output, so

learning to listen is particularly important. Today, in this "special" class, children show a good habit of " Enjoy Listening ". What keeps them focusing, do you know?

Listen to the encouragement from headmaster Zhu: children, who are the future masters? It’s you , now! To grow into a person in the future, we

should not only love our motherland, but also look at the world outside. The mutual promotion of excellent traditional Chinese culture and multi world 

culture will lead you to stride forward in the future.

Listen to the encouragement from Mr Hu of the Teaching and Learning

Department: the world is so big, but it's actually very small. You are in the

global village, that means oral English development will provide a broader

platform for your growth.

Listen to the encouragement from Ms Wen of the Foreign Affairs Department: if you learn English well, you will have more chances to make a 

success in your life! I hope that the students calmly fight, show their own style, get good grades!

2 學生表演

Scene 2: Leda

"Leda" English teaching idea advocates that, on the way, primary school

English teachers should repeatedly explore and practice, educate and guide

students to be willing to accumulate and dare to express themselves; be rich

in thinking and expressing; be willing to cooperate and be good at expre-   ssion. Today, the competition is not the ultimate goal, but the important

thing is that the children and teachers work together on the road to enjoy   the beautiful scenery again and again.

Look, the children of grade one introduce themselves by unique English

And fluent oral expression, they have distinctive personality characteristics.

The rich interests and hobbies can be seen in the competition. Although they

are childish, they are full of confidence.

Look, the interaction between the sophomores and the judges show us

that they are not afraid of various forms of oral communication. The children are not only take the initiative to change their roles, but also hand over the problems to the judges. The sparks of communication help us to see more

important and valuable sparks than the results.

Scene 3: Music Performance

"Leda" English Idea always adheres to the school's teaching idea of "Let

Every Life Lights", which respects children's nature, and publicizes children's personality. Children in primary school love to play, imitate and have strong

curiosity. We give them opportunities and platforms to become the protagonists in the English world through the childlike innocence.

Look, the children’s performance in the picture book story comes out all guns blazing. They are not only the porters of English stories, but also the

inheritor of culture. We can't help cheering for these "Leda" Story Kings for their superb expressions, carefully prepared props and the inner

expression of the characters.

Look, the children of grade four are in high spirits in story dubbing. "Leda" dubbing staff not only need to express fluently and have standard pronunciation and intonation, but also need to add their own understanding, perception of emotion and cultural background. The charm of English is presented one by one in the excellent performance of the children, and exudes

charming fragrance.

Look, the children of grade five are talking in the English talk show. The "Leda" speakers have outstanding themes, rich voice and emotion; their speaking speed is controlled in place, and their language is fluent; their voice and intonation are cadenced and relaxed, which is very infectious and attractive. It is believed that children's speeches over and over again will not only bring

out the highlights in the spotlight, but also the development the abilities of English thinking and international understanding.

3-1 學生合照

In the future, English teachers will continue to walk on the road of "Leda" English and make real contributions to help children grow into "future people."

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