
Hold High the team flag and follow the party, real primary school students show new appearance

Facing the bright sunshine in October, accompanied by bursts of loud and clear singing, we ushered in the young pioneers of the festival-team-building day. The Young Pioneers of China, a resounding name, after 73 years of Glorious Journey!


Number of persons reporting


Before the activity starts, the school brigade committee Yang Yufei reports the number to the brigade counselor Tang teacher, and requests the permission to carry out this activity.


The loud and clear flag song, aroused the Young Pioneers Infinite Pride and glory. In the team song, the Young Pioneers as if they had experienced countless revolutionary martyrs of the glorious process.



The second batch of students into the team, in this special day, became the Glorious Young Pioneers! The moment we put on the red scarf, we are very proud and happy!

Initiation ceremony


Headmaster Zhu told us that the red scarf is the corner of the Flag of the People's Republic of China, wearing it means an honor, a responsibility and a mission. Youth is the beginning of a better life, we are a lucky generation, but also a generation with a heavy burden. Today we are naive red scarf, tomorrow we will become the main force in the construction of the motherland.

Youth working committee chairman and headmaster Zhu addressed the meeting.


“Love to learn, music sports, help to grow up, do the new era of Sunshine Youth” calisthenics competition

The new edition of“Rhythmic gymnastics” and“Lala Gymnastics” is composed by the teachers of the Physical Education Group and music group of our school. Look, the first-year students after three weeks of hard training on the court full of energy, slogan loud line action neat and powerful show the real small gingko baby style.




Look, 2-6 grade gingko kids in the game, the sun confident their movements stretch generous, strong and powerful show the health of sports, power, beauty.




On the competition field, with the joyful music gingko children dance heartily on the face is brimming with the self-confident happy smile is enjoying the movement beauty.




Every effort, happiness, enjoyment of the smiling face is the interpretation of the movement should have the appearance!




Fourth-grade gingko children move skillfully in place, stretch a degree of stretch hand, lift legs, bend over, turn around, jump... ... bursting with boundless energy.




The fifth grade gingko kids immersed in the happy sound of music to follow the easy beat, heartily stretch let the sports exercise in the happiness of a kind of enjoyment!




After half a day's competition, the judges selected the Best Presentation Award, the Best Style Award, the Best Creative Award and the Best Performance Award under the principles of fairness, fairness and openness, sunshine Sports has become a small and beautiful scenery.


Call sign, retreat flag

Finally, the Young Pioneers Brigade counselor Tang teacher led all the Young Pioneers call sign.



The Young Pioneers of the new era, the future is calling. The new era belongs to you who love the motherland, study hard, with knowledge, with moral, with achievements! Hope you in the practice of knowledge, in the experience of the full display of style, to their own practical actions for the floating red scarf add luster!

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