
Share our educational research stories

Education is not only the transmission of knowledge, but also the exchange of the heart. Teachers of different subjects tell good educational stories from their own perspectives and perspectives. Music teacher Zheng Daoya weaves her dreams with musical notes, Lead the children in the sea of music; Physical education teacher Ye Hangkun took volleyball as the medium, Opened the door to emotional release among children, Show the charm of sports; Huang Sijie, an English teacher, uses movies, music, acting and other teaching methods, Light up the children's interest in learning, Inspired their desire to explore the unknown; Li Xinyang, an art teacher, told the children to find answers in the sun, To perceive the knowledge, Instead of being instilled with knowledge; And the Chinese teacher Wei Siyu's seed germination story, It also washes away our hearts, Let us see the persistence and warmth in the process of education... In these stories, We seem to see our own shadows, I also saw the light shining in the children's eyes. These stories are not only about teaching, but also about growing up. They record our experience inthe process of education, and also witness our solid pace on the road of professional growth.



As the leader of this activity, Mr.Liu Xu pointed out the direction for us with his rich educational experience and profound educational wisdom. He stressed that research is the daily part of teaching and the only way to be a really good teacher. He encouraged us to be good at finding, researching and solving problems, and to explore the essence of education from educational phenomena. And in this process, the essay recording is particularly important. Every classroom teaching, every interaction with students, every reflection and summary, are all valuable wealth in the process of education. Through the essay record, we can have a deeper understanding of our own teaching practice, find out the highlights and shortcomings, so as to constantly improve their own teaching methods and means. At the same time, the essay record is also an important witness of the professional growth of teachers, which records our growth process and mental process on the road of education.

Finally, Miss Liu spoke highly of our story-sharing. He believes that our stories not only reflect the fluency of the narrative of the things themselves, but also show the deep understanding of education and the spirit of continuous exploration. He encouraged everyone to continue to maintain this enthusiasm and the spirit of exploration, and continue to move forward and surpass them on the road of education. This activity not only allowed the students to gain valuable educational experience and methods, but also let them deeply understand the importance of essay recording in the process of education. Let us move forward hand in hand, in the road of education!


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