
Using English Drama to Connect Chengdu and Chiang Mai

Recently, Chengdu Shuangliu Experimental Primary School and Chiang Mai Prince School in Thailand successfully held a unique, online English cultural exchange in the form of short drama performances. This activity aimed to stimulate students' interests in English learning, enhance their oral expression ability, and inspire the spirit of teamwork through this cooperation.

In the English drama video of Chiang Mai Prince School in Thailand, dressed in exquisite costumes, students became characters in the drama. They presented a wonderful story to the audience with vivid language and rich expressions. At the same time, throughout the video, the love, courage, hope, and friendship conveyed in the story were transmitted to the children of Shuangliu Experimental Primary School. 


During the performance, Thai students excellently demonstrated their English proficiency and acting talents. Their fluent spoken language, natural movements, and seamless cooperation won rounds of applause from the audience.

When the young audience of Chiang Mai Prince School in Thailand were watching the live-action English drama "Mulan" presented by our students, they were completely taken in by the plot. Whenever the actors displayed excellent acting, the audience would smile with appreciation and admiration, and some would even discuss quietly or exchange opinions with each other. When the plot reached its climax, the audience found it impossible to withhold their cheering and exclamation. Their emotions fluctuated with the ups and downs of the plot, and they completely lost themselves in the world of “Mulan”.


Young audiences from both China and Thailand not only enjoyed a wonderful visual feast but also felt the charm of language learning and artistic performance through creating and watching English dramas.  Their stellar performances and enthusiasm also added energy and color to this cultural exchange.


Not only did The English drama activity provide the students with a platform to demonstrate their talents, it also helped boost the confidence of the students by practicing their stage acting. They truly appreciated the perfect combination of English learning and artistic performance, and they enjoyed the charm of interacting with different cultures through the English-learning process.

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