
The first training session for the famous teacher Yang Hong's studio: "accompany the children to grow up slowly"

On 24 August 2021, new teachers met at the Shuangliu Experimental Primary School to attend the first training session for the famous teacher Yang Hong's studio in Shuangliu District, Chengdu. The seminar was attended by our mentor Yang Hong and all the trainees.

The seminar was divided into two parts: firstly, tutor Yang gave a special lecture on "accompany the children to grow up slowly"; secondly, tutor Yang made arrangements for this semester's work.


In the first stage of the event, the workshop tutor, Yang Hong, gave a wonderful and practical talk on the topic of "accompany the children to grow up slowly" to the participants. Ms. Yang introduced very instructive methods of accompanying children to grow up from three aspects; for instance, how to help children who are admitted to the first grade of primary school to adapt to primary school life; how to hold parent-teacher conferences; and how to develop class reading training.


 First of all, Ms. Yang used her broad expertise experience to tell all new teachers how to accompany first-grade students to get through the hurdle of anxiety in the new school year step by step, including memorize every child's name, give them a warm meeting gift, make a good impression at first sight, etc. All of these can be seen as the most beautiful beginnings of education. Besides, children's songs on behavior are beneficial for teachers to lead students well at the beginning of the school year. Specifically, children’s songs are not only attracting pupils’ interest but also promote pupils to cultivate good behavioral and learning habits as they chant. 

Then, Ms. Yang, who has considerable experience in managing the class, shared with the new teachers what she had done to prepare for the parent-teacher conference and what she had learned from her years as a headteacher. The theme of the parent-teacher conference should be based on an in-depth analysis of the class situation. Meanwhile, the parent-teacher conference should focus on a specific point each term, such as accompanying the child to learn to organize school stuff. Mr. Yang also told the new teachers to concentrate on the following points in the parent-teacher conference. For example, transferring educational concepts, expressing the significance of parent companion, providing professional methodological support, etc.


      Finally, Ms. Young also shared how to develop class reading training. To be specific, students in the first grade prefer to sing nursery rhymes; students in the second grade prefer to read poetry; students in the third grade are interested in fairy tales; and students in grade 4 starts to read widely, from nursery rhymes to poems, from picture books to fairy tales, from prose to novels, from science to history. Reading widely opens up a new world for the children, and Ms. Yang's talk opens up a new horizon for the new teachers as well.
     The half-day training session was rewarding for each participant. It is believed that under the guidance of the tutors, all the new teachers will remain true to their original aspirations.


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