
Platform research and learning enabling growth

The cold wind enters the city quietly, the charm of autumn still exists, and winter has begun. Unconsciously, the colour of leaves on campus are green and yellow. On the sunny day after the beginning of winter, we often cherish the warm sun on this day. Just like this touch of sunshine, tutor Yang Hong organized all the members of Yang Hong famous teacher workshop in Shuangliu district on November 9th, but insisted on the research and study when the epidemic situation stopped centralized discussion. Tutor Yang Hong took all the members to learn the course "how to use CNKI research to do a good job in subject research" through live learning. This training is of great significance to us who are studying the subject "Research on teaching guidance strategy of primary school picture book" class reading ". 

This learning content is to help students use CNKI research platform to do subject research. It makes a clear and comprehensive explanation from four aspects: how to determine subject selection, writing literature review and analysis, team establishment and communication, and achievement promotion and publication, and solves many long-standing puzzles of students in subject research. All students have a strong interest in learning. They don't forget to take out their learning time and carefully record it in their busy work.

 Goethe once said, "a man not only has everything by birth, but also makes himself by everything he gets from learning." the significance of education lies in endless exploration and increasing more knowledge. As a world model, a model for others and an engineer of human soul. We should continue to study and explore the shortcomings, and carrying out subject research is the short board of our young teachers. Through this live learning, we have a clearer direction of subject research and a very clear process to complete a complete subject.

Dripping water will not dry up until it is put into the sea. A person can be better only if he integrates into the collective. In each seminar, tutor Yang Hong selects the most suitable research topic according to the needs of the students themselves and her analysis of the shortcomings of each student. Each studio seminar has a different harvest.



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