
Sharing the Chinese stories in English

In order to promote students to know more about Chinese classics and build up cultural confidence, the school launched the "Leda Cup" (12th) Oral English Competition with the theme of "Telling Chinese Stories in English" in November. The content of the competition includes not only fables, myths and legends, celebrity allusions, but also historical stories and contemporary models with diverse perspectives and wide themes.

Let's enjoy the story from Luo Yuxuan, Class 3 Grade 3 first.


Today, my topic is “ Beidou Navigation Satellite System” (hereinafter to be referred as the BDS.

In the 1990s, the Gulf War and “Yinhe hao” incident made China realize the importance of establishing its own satellite navigation. Since 1994, Chinese scientists start to build BDS.

BDS were developed in three phases.

The first step is to cover China, the second is to cover the Asia-Pacific region, and the third is to cover the whole world.

In the 26 years from 1994 to 2020, Chinese scientists overcame many difficulties and raced against time to launch 59 satellites to complete the construction of China's own satellite navigation system.

BDS is a global navigation satellite system. It is independently researched and developed by China.

It is the third mature navigation satellite system after American GPS and Russian GIONASS.

The BDS aims at national security as well as economic and social development. It can quick-positioning, location-reporting, information-exchange.

The BDS will be widely used in mapping, telecommunications, water conservancy, fishery, transportation, forest fire prevention, disaster relief, public safety/emergency rescue.

In this summer vacation, my teammates and I designed an intelligent fishing boat and mechanical fish to solve the fishing problem. In this design, we used BDS. It's just a prototype, but I believe it will come true.

Therefore, we should cherish the present, study hard, and build a better China in the future.

That’s all. Thanks for your listening.


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