
Concentrate on each other and grow together

Concentrate on each other and grow together

— Reading and sharing activities in Shuangliu Experimental Primary School LiuXu Studio

Author: Liu Qin      Date: 2022-10-09 19:57    Share article

On the morning of September 29th, 2022, the reading and sharing activities of LiuXu Expert Studio of Shuangliu Experimental Primary School were held in the conference room on the fourth floor of Yizhen Building as scheduled.

First of all, the studio members shared their summer reading results. After reading "Years Like Songs", the students seemed to follow in the footsteps of Teacher YuYi, walking through her life experience, feeling the "hardship" and "joy" of her study, knowing her concept and practice of education and teaching, and admiring her courage and perseverance to devote herself to education.Reading this book is like having a cordial conversation with a kind elder, from which the students get the guidance of their way forward and the infection of their spiritual strength.Reading "Classroom Teaching under the New Curriculum Concept" is just like talking with experts. From the innovation of concept to the specific operation, every content has guiding significance.The cases in the book also enable students to have a deeper understanding of relevant theoretical knowledge and specific application. This is a book that you can't read enough. Every reading can bring you new understanding and thinking.




After reading, Teacher Gan Wenjing and Teacher  Lu Pingping gave lectures.

Teacher Gan Wenjing gave a lecture on "Little Boat" in Grade One from seven aspects: teaching materials, learning situation, teaching objectives, teaching key and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching process and blackboard writing design."Little Boat" is a children's poem that is full of childlike interest and catchy to read. According to the characteristics of the text and the learning situation of first-year students, Mr. Gan has drawn up specific teaching objectives and important and difficult points, and the teaching methods are reading aloud, situational teaching and group cooperation.The teaching process is designed around the teaching objectives, creating a relaxed and interesting learning atmosphere for children, which is more in line with children's learning psychological characteristics.


Teacher Lu Pingping gave a lecture on the second grade "Cao Chong Cheng Xiang" from seven aspects: teaching materials, students, teaching objectives, key points and difficulties in teaching, preaching law, teaching process and assigning homework.Teacher Lu Pingping gave a lecture on the second grade "Cao Chong Cheng Xiang" from seven aspects: teaching materials, students, teaching objectives, key points and difficulties in teaching, preaching law, teaching process and assigning homework.Second-year students already have some experience in autonomous learning, so they adopt the design of teaching methods such as "combination of pictures and texts", "self-reading prompt method" and "independent discovery method". The whole teaching process design is based on students' independent discovery and inquiry, and the classroom is handed over to students.圖片5

Finally, Mr. Liu Xu put forward some guiding opinions for the two lectures: both lectures are low-level courses, and teachers should pay attention to the childishness of language and be full of affinity. Secondly, for low-level students, cooperative learning can be carried out more efficiently in pairs.Finally, the two most important learning methods for low-level children are game-based learning and experiential learning, which can also be reflected in the instructional design.


Mr. Liu's inspiration is like flowers and trees, blooming in every teacher's heart. I believe that every study will surely fragrance our way of education!

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