
Subject research helps development, experts guide the direction

On the afternoon of November 16-17,2022, the four district-level topics of Chengdu Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School were held in the Education Research Center on the fourth floor of Yizhen Building of the school.Li Shuying, deputy director of the Basic Education Monitoring and Evaluation Institute of Sichuan Education Evaluation Institute, Liu Xu, deputy Director of The Institute of International Education and Higher Education of Chengdu Institute of Education Science, and Luo Liangjian, Chinese researcher and Director of the Education Resources Data Center of Chengdu Institute of Education Science,Yi En, director of the Education Reform Research Center of Chengdu Shuangliu District Education Science Research Institute, visited the site as a member of the expert groupZhu Bo, the principal of Shuangliu District Experimental Primary School, and the project principals and the main researchers of the four district-level projects of the school attended the opening demonstration meeting.



On the afternoon of 16th, the two topics of "Practical Research on the Guidance Path of Family Education under the Background in the New Era" and "Practical Research on Improving the Communication Ability of Primary School Headteachers" were first demonstrated.

Teacher Wang Chenyuan, on behalf of the research group "Practical Research on the Guiding Path of Family Education in the New Era",,Du Xiaoyan, a student of Li Qin Studio, made the opening report on behalf of the research group "Practical Research on Improving the Communication Ability of Primary School Head Teachers".The two main research teachers elaborated on the aspects of questions, literature review, concept definition, research basis, objectives and content, measures and methods, research implementation steps and expected research results.


Subsequently, the experts guided the subject. After affirming the research value of the two topics, the two experts gave specific guidance to the two topics.



In view of the Practical Research on the Guiding Pathway of Family Education in the New Era Background, Director Li Shuying pointed out that four understandings need to be changed when defining the core concept of "family education"::First, family education has changed from "private affairs" to state affairs, which is related to the whole society;Second, the task of family education has changed from learning basic life skills to promoting the physical and mental health and development of family members;Third, family education has changed from the traditional "long to young" relationship to the relationship of mutual care, mutual help and mutual enlightenment between family members, and the family relationship is a combination of "tangible + invisible";Fourth, family education should point to lifelong education.

Director Liu put forward the standardization of the research, pointed out that the problems need to be focused,we should not just list policies, but need to "solve real problems" and solve the problems that teachers encounter in the process of work.. In addition, for the selection of research methods, research objectives, research content and other aspects of the narration, Teacher Liu gave detailed guidance, so that the teachers of the research group research direction more clear.

In the process of communication, the experts put forward the "home visit" as an important way to carry out the family education guidance, with the "home visit" as the starting point to build a set of home visit guidance manual, to provide reference for the family education guidance in other schools.

In view of the "Practical Research on Improving the Communication Ability of Primary School Head Teachers", the two experts believe that the research of this topic should be carried out from four aspects: the purpose of home-school communication, communication content, communication method, and communication effect, and use these four aspects to actively study the subject research.Director Liu Xu took the case of "note disturbance" as the introduction to highlight the important value of the head teacher in home-school communication:"Education comes from the needs of communication. The communication between the head teacher is the resonance between every student, the growth and the school, and the effect of education.”Director Li pointed out: " The communication ability of home and school not only refers to the language expression ability, behind it also contains the head teacher's professional psychological knowledge reserve, the head teacher experience mobilization and use, the head teacher emotional recognition.”

At the same time, experts agree that parents-meeting is an important channel of home-school communication, and we need to focus on the value of parents' meeting and do a good job in home-school communication. Therefore, the "parents' meeting" can be taken as the starting point, from the theme establishment, home-school interaction, fall to the details, effect feedback and other aspects of the research.

On the afternoon of 17th, the two topics of "Research on the Design and Implementation Strategy of Primary School Chinese Project homework under the background of" Double Reduction "" and "Practical Research on the Construction of Primary school School Academic Quality Evaluation System based on the integration of five Education" were first demonstrated.

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